Orthodox Funeral Service during Easter Week
Последование Отпевания Усопших В Пасхальную Седмицу Пасха (Funeral service in Easter Week) – In Russian redaction of Church-Slavonic language.
Christian Orthodox book that contains a Funeral service in Easter Week, which differs from the standard Funeral service, since it is an occasion to praise Christ’s resurrection.
Москва (Moscow), Сѵнодальнаѧ Тѵпографїѧ (1899).
Pp.: 18 leaves + /2/ leaves Size: 22 x 15 cm
Binding: Original wrappers. Worn along the edges, minor tears along the edges, tears on the top and bottom of the cover spine.
Condition: Stamped by the previous owner on the title page. Worn along the edges, minor tears on the edges (<1 cm).
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