1926 Landwirtschaft Sowjetbundes Erzeugnisse Agriculture Tschajanoff USSR Soviet
Die Landwirtschaft des Sowjetbundes;ihre geographische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Bedeutung, Mit 55 Karten auf 26 Tafeln. By: A. Tschajanoff. (The agriculture of the Soviet Federation; A geographic, economic and social importance with 55 cards to 26 plates) – In German language.
A scientific study in German language about the agriculture of the Soviet Union in its earliest stages.
Berlin, Verlagsbuchhhandlung Paul Parey, 1926.
Pp.: /2/ + 40 + 26 plates. Size: 25,5 x 17,5 cm.
Binding: Original cloth binding. Barely visible stains. Condition: Stamps of the previous owner, clean copy.
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