1926 Geologija Bosne Hercegovine Fridrih Kacer Geology Yugoslavia Bosnia
Геологија Босне и Херцеговине, др Фридрих Кацер – Fridrih Kacer (Geology of Bosnia and Herzegovina) – In Serbian language.
Издање дирекције државних рударских предузећа у Сарајеву, 1926.
Pp. XI with a portrait of Fridrih Kacer + /1/ + 524 with 135 illustration + /4/ + illustrated plate Size: 27,7 x 18,6 cm.
Binding: Original paper wrapper binding. Heavily worn and damaged along the cover extremes, spine cover heavily damaged (practically missing), browned due to the paper ageing. Condition: Uncut, cocked spine, cracked spine between pp. 384-385, partially detached.
For condition and details see the scans.