1939 Ratna Vestina Kriegskunst Heute Morgen Germany WWII Militaria Foertsch YU
Ратна вештина (Hermann Foertsch) Translated from German into Serbian language: Др. Драгољуб П. Обрадовић (Dr. Dragoljub P. Obradovic), Штефан Ш. Кос (Štefan Š. Kos) (Kriegskunst Heute und Morgen or The art of war, today and tomorrow) – In Serbian language.
Београд (Belgrade), 1939.
Pp.: 238 Size: 20 x 14 cm
Binding: Original paperback binding. Stains, minor imperfections. Condition: stains and two holes on the title page, stain on the textblock edges.
For condition and details see the scans. For any additional questions feel free to contact us, we are eager to respond to all of your questions!