Stricker Illustrated Medicine
In order: 1. Arzt un Patient – Winke für Beide Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1884. Pp. 44. 2. Die erste Hülfe bei Verletzungen by F. Esmarch. Hannover: Carl Rümpler, 1875. Pp. 61 with 25 illustrations. 3. Allgemeine Pathologie der Infectionskrankheiten by Salomon Stricker (1834–1898). Wien: Alfred Hölder, 1886. Pp. 173. Blue pencil underlining on several pages. 4. Neuro-elektrische Studien by Salomon Stricker (1834–1898). Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1883. Pp. V + /1/ + 60 with 19 illustrations. 5. Rachitis by Adolf Baginsky (1843–1918). Tübingen: H. Laupp’schen, 1882. Pp. 118.
Period half cloth binding in protective cloth box. Dimensions of the cover: 15, 5 x 22, 1 cm.
Worldwide DHL shipping is included—fresh copies, very well preserved in excellent condition. For details and the item’s condition see the scans.