Les Barricades de 1830 scènes historiques
By Paul Émile Debraux
(The Barricades of 1830, historical scenes) – In French language.
Historical drama based on historical scenes during French Revolution of 1830, also known as Révolution de Juillet (July Revolution) and Trois Glorieuses (Three Glorious Days) which saw the overthrow of King Charles X. Play is written by French writer and poet, Emile Debraux.
Brussels, Louis Hauman, 1830.
Pp.: 281 Size: 13,5 x 9,5 cm
Binding: Cloth binding with a sticker on the spine cover, minor signs of wear along the edges, cocked spine. Condition: Stamp by the previous owner on the title page, Pp. 13 detached, stains due to aging and usage.
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