1781 Sebastian Clerc Treatise Architecture 180 Plates Art Engineering German
Neue Abhandlung von der Civilbaukunst mit nützlichen Anmerkungen und Betrachtungen für junge Leute die sich dieser schönen Kunst widmen wollen. Erster Theil. Zweiter Theil. Aus dem Französischen Sebastian le Clerc (New treatise on civil architecture with useful comments and considerations for young people who want to dedicate themselves to this beautiful art) – Two volumes. In German language.
A Treatis of Architecture by Sebastian Clerc. This book is a German translation of the book Traité d’architecture avec des remarques et des observations très utiles pour les jeunes gens, qui veulent s’appliquer à ce bel art, Paris, Giffard, 1714.
Nürnberg, Weigel, 1781.
Pp. 49 + /1/ + 78 l. with copperplate engravings. /2/ + 60 + 27 + 102 (of 103) l. with copperplate engravings. All together 180 (of 181) engraved plates. Size: 20.3 x 17 cm.
Binding: Two volumes bound together. original half leather, covers and spine heavily damaged and worn, in very poor condition. Condition: all kinds of imperfections are present: traces of use and paper aging, worn, spotted, several pages with tears, some with worm holes, adhesive tape and white corrector on a few places. Generally in acceptable to poor condition, but plates and text are not affected.
For condition and details see the scans.