Original Vintage Poster
I gran Alpec sardanista en Madrid 1982
XXX Aniversario del Circulo Catalan de Madrid
Con la colaboracion de la generalitat de cataluna y las diputaciones provinciales de barcelona gerona, lerida, tarragona, el ayuntamiento de marcelona y el ayuntamiento de Madrid / Audiciones en Plazas de Espana, Ventas y Chopera del Retiero, con final en la Plaza Major
(I great Sardanist Alpec (cultural reunion) in Madrid / XXX anniversary of the Catalan circle of Madrid / In collaboration with the Government of Catalunya and the Provincial Councils of Barcelona, Gerona, Lerida, Tarragona, the City Council of Barcelona, and the City Council of Madrid /Auditions in Plazas de Espana, Ventas, and Chopera del Retiero, ending in Plaza Major)
Original vintage poster promoting Sardanist cultural reunion in Madrid and audition held on May 2nd, 1982.
Dimensions: 69 x 49 cm
Condition: Wrinkling and spotting due to being glued, otherwise in very good condition.
For condition and details see picture. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Note: This is an original poster. We do not sell reproductions.