1974 Program Visit Coded Yumjaagiin TSEDENBAL TITO Mongolia Yugoslavia Communist


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1974 Program Visit Coded Yumjaagiin TSEDENBAL TITO Mongolia Yugoslavia Communist 1974 Program Visit Coded Yumjaagiin TSEDENBAL TITO Mongolia Yugoslavia Communist

Very rare original program September 23 – 28, 1974.


of official visit to Yugoslavia by Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal, Prime minister and general secretary of the Mongolian People’s Party, and his wife hosted by JOSIP BROZ TITO and many others Yogoslav officials.


With handwriten anotations (including some coded writtings) of Trajko Lipkovski, member of Yugoslav delegation.


In Serbian language.


Size: 10, 9 x 16, 7 cm.


For condition see scans. For other details and condition see the scans.



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